Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WAYYY behind! :/

I have let myself get super behind schedule! :/
We have been super crazy busy with graduation, finals, packing, moving, getting settled at my grandmas, and me starting my new job.
So before I get into all the baby business and fun pregnancy experiences I figure I'll hurry and talk about graduation and how everything finished up at Snow :)
So on May 5th Eric and I both graduated from Snow College :)
Our families came down to Ephraim to support us and right after the ceremony we all headed back to our apartment and worked our butts off on getting everything cleaned and loaded!
I am happy to say that we successfully got everything moved out of our apartment and settled in a temporary home until August when we get to go through the wonderful moving process all over again :(
As far as school went... both of us got pretty great grades this semester (we both got passing grades in our math 1050 class! Whoo hoo! :)) and I even got to graduate with honors for having a 3.7 GPA!
Other than that nothing too exciting happened in Ephraim.. I mean really, what can happen in good old Sanpete County that is too exciting?? ;)

This is a picture we took with Eric's phone right after graduation! My mom took a million pictures so hopefully eventually I'll have more to post haha!

Now for the fun stuff :)
As far as little baby Asher goes, things have been amazing! It is hard to remember exactly what happened when but I will try to do my best at recapping the last 2 weeks that I missed and then hopefully in a few days I can find time to post about being 20 weeks haha!
18 weeks:
Nothing crazy exciting happened during this week but I enjoyed it none the less.
I did somehow catch an awful cold (the week of finals of course) and had to try and pack our entire apartment, get all of the last minute moving plans sorted out, and study for my finals all with a lovely fever! Luckily after 3 days my fever went away and I was able to work around the smokers cough and runny nose haha!
This week my food aversions were SUPER strong... for some reason eggs and broccoli make me want to throw up, which is weird because I loved both before I got pregnant!
Poor Eric... haha! He had to put up with eating the same things for about 2 weeks because they were the only things that sounded good to me.
This week was also the start of having bad lower back pains (I had been having some issues throughout the whole pregnancy but this week they started to get even worse!)

19 weeks:
This week something crazy exciting did happen.... I FELT LITTLE  ASHER MOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! It was so amazing!
It is kind of a funny story really. This past Saturday was fairly busy for me. Eric and I decided that since we hadn't made time to go on a date with just the two of us for a couple months it was time we changed that and planned to go out Saturday night! I was so excited to get to spend some alone time with him.
Before the date, however, I had to go to a bridal shower for Kayla Castagno (which was a blast!)
At the bridal shower I ate tons of candy and junk food and drank 3 little glasses of sprite, which doesn't sound bad, but Eric and I have been off soda for over a month now so it was really not the best idea haha! Before the shower I also ate chinese food which both Kami and Britt said caused problems for them when they were pregnant thanks to the MSG....
well long story short, we got on the date and the minute we got to Jordan Landing and started shopping I started to feel a tiny bit sick to my stomach but I was sure it was just from eating too much sugar and that it would go away shortly...
Well after an hour of shopping I was feeling REALLY sick and completely ruining our first date in months haha.
We went to Kneaders and I ordered a cup of Tomato soup and took one bite and knew that it wasn't a good idea so we boxed it up and I just rested and tried to feel better while Eric ate.
After dinner Eric thought he should just take me home but I was determined to not completely ruin the date so I insisted that we followed through with our plans of going to the movie.
(We went and saw "What to expect when you're expecting" and it was hilarious! I loved it sooo much!)
I made it through the movie but after I still felt really sick. We started talking and I was describing how I felt and we kind of decided that I was bloated from eating so much junk and drinking soda for the first time in a month and that if I went home and went to bed I would feel better...
Well while in the middle of feeling absolutely miserable I felt more amazing then ever before :)
I am pretty sure it was because I was bloated but I felt a little kick in my stomach and then a little flutter and then another little kick! I couldn't believe it! I was so excited! I had been feeling disappointed that I was already 19 and 1/2 weeks and never felt the baby move cause all of my friends said they felt their baby at 18 weeks. Throughout the following 30 minutes of driving I felt him kick and wiggle about 5 more times! Later that night I ended up throwing up, which helped me feel better but I haven't felt little Asher move since... Apparently I have to pick between feeling him move and not feeling like I am going to puke haha!

Other than that, nothing too big. My back has been KILLING me which is no fun but Eric is a good sport to give me some pretty awesome back rubs :)
As far as my baby bump goes... still just chub haha! It makes me laugh because when I found out I was pregnant I was counting down to when I'd be 12 weeks because I was sure that my belly would be showing by then...
Well I'm almost 20 weeks and still just look like I've gained a few extra pounds haha!

The no soda drinking really has helped me though! Since I stopped drinking soda I haven't gained any weight which means that essentially I've lost the bad kind of weight! :) I have gained about 6-7 pounds total, depending on the day I weigh myself haha!

We have our targetted ultrasound appointment next tuesday and we also were able to switch doctors so we are super excited for our next appointment! :)

Other than that Eric has just been enjoying having a few weeks off before his job starts and I have been enjoying working at Kidsville daycare and just taking it easy really! :)

As for our families.... They have been having a little too much fun spoiling our handsome little guy haha!

Not going to lie... I am loving the fact that Asher is going to be the first grandbaby/great-grandbaby/nephew/ great- nephew on my side of our family.... Eric and I aren't going to have to buy a single thing haha!

Hopefully I'll be able to post again soon with some more updates! Until then I will just enjoy being prego and be extremely grateful for everyday that goes by that I safely carry this baby closer to being in our arms! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lexa, I LOVE reading your blog! Its so fun to read about all of your prego experiences and makes me super excited for you guys and for us when that chapter of our life happens :) Hope all is well cute mama!:)
